Surge Beyond Possible

Software Designed For

Small Business Owners

Give Your Online Reputation The Surge It Needs with RepSURGE. The Google Review Accelerator That Will Get More Customers Calling You FIRST!

LeadSURGE Captures & Qualifies New Leads, Always Follows Up & Books Appointments For You 24/7. PLUS all incoming messages are responded to in 60 seconds or less from your website chats, text and social media DMs Drastically Reducing Response Time.

What is RepSURGE?

RepSURGE is an automated follow up system that guarantees you get every opportunity to collect Google reviews from people who meant to leave one but either forgot or got distracted....even if they used your service months ago!

This will give your business a SURGE of Google reviews that will get customers calling you FIRST!

What is LeadSURGE?

LeadSURGE is a combination of sophisticated software systems that we have invested in and simplified just for you! It starts with an AI LeadFinder Tool combined with an AI Assistant that contacts and qualifies each lead and then books them into your calendar OR Follows up with them until they do!

Plus...your new AI Assistant has the ability to answer any question a new or current customer might have from your live website chats, text messages or social media DMs. It responds for you 24/7 - 365!!! Don't worry, you can interject at any time and take over the conversation giving you FULL CONTROL of every conversation.

See Surge Business PRO in Action

The Surge LeadFinder Tool + Automated Email Marketing

What Are The Benefits of a SurgeAI Assistant?

A SurgeAI Assistant Will:

Answer all the FAQs your business receives on a daily basis!

Reduce message response time to less than 60 seconds EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Text back every missed call and find out what they need. can generate new leads, qualify them AND book them into your calendar 24/7 - 365!!!

No customer will go unanswered ever again with your new SurgeAI Assistant

So Many Calls, Texts and Social Media DMs Every.. Single.. Day..

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are constantly responding to messages and answering the same questions over and over while still trying to book people into your calendar and run your business

Your Surge AI Assistant Responds For You

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you want a SurgeAI Assistant to answer questions and book appointments for you!

You Stay Off The Phone and out of Messenger

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you created your business because you are passionate about what you do and not about answering messages and managing your appointment calendar

So Many Calls, Texts and Social Media DMs Every.. Single.. Day..

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are constantly responding to messages and answering the same questions over and over while still trying to book people into your calendar and run your business

Your SurgeAI Assistant Responds

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you want a SurgeAI Assistant to answer FAQs, book appointments and text back all your missed calls!

You Stay Off The Phone and out of Messenger

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you created your business because you are passionate about what you do and not about answering messages and managing your appointment calendar

"Surge Business PRO has given small business owners their lives back!"

IMAGINE... Not Having To Respond To Messages and Having All Your Appointments Booked For You!

These days there is no reason to hire more staff or answer messages directly. Your SurgeAI Assistant will respond seamlessly so you don't have to!

  • No more answering basic questions

  • Automated Appointment Booking

  • SurgeAI Assistant Never Takes Breaks or Calls in Sick

  • Responds 24/7 for you

Contact Us

Call us at: 1 204-817-8779

Mail us at: [email protected]

Increase Your Productivity